Check out our YouTube Channel here. Here a list of our videos - lates come first.
Basic Movie "Short trailer about FlightDeck Simulator A32x"
Basic Movie "Short trailer about FlightDeck Simulator A32x"
Basic Movie "Explaining the upper icons"
Basic Movie "How to custom program a joystick for use with FlightDeck A32x"
Some screen shots of FlightDeck ECAM displays:
Some screen shots of FlightDeck SYSTEM displays:
Advanced Movie "Take-Off Abortion due to ENG FAIL"
Some screen shots of FlightDeck cockpit views:
Take-off: DAC - SAC engines
Advanced Movie "Engine Failure in Cruise - ECAM"
Basic Movie "Short trailer about FlightDeck Simulator A32x"
Basic Movie "How to set an approach position"
Basic Movie "How to move around in the cockpit (only using the mouse)"
Basic Movie "How to Set Take-Off-Position"
Advanced Movie "Load and Save Situations"
Some screen shots of FlightDeck cockpit views:
Some screen shots of FlightDeck cockpit views:
(*) Satellite images package installed.